Sensei David Zellner is a 4TH Deg. Black Belt, and Owner and Chief Instructor at Lion of Judah Martial Arts. Sensei Zellner has over 21 years training in the martial arts. He currently holds instructors degrees in Isshinryu Karate and Kobudo Jutsu. Sensei Zellner also has a background in Inayan Escrima and Jeet Kune Do. He has attended seminars with many well-known martial arts instructors and has been awarded high honors in many regional and national tournaments. Sensei Zellner is a devout Christian with a strong belief that martial arts training and the Christian faith can be combined to challenge young people and adults alike to make a difference in their lives and the lives of those around them.
Sensei Nora Fitzgerald is a black belt instructor at Lion of Judah Martial Arts. She currently holds degrees in Isshinryu Karate and Kobudo Jutsu, and has trained for over twenty years in the martial arts. She has won awards at numerous tournaments nationwide, and participated in many seminars under the direction of highly reputable instructors. Sensei Fitzgerald is the administrative coordinator and an instructor for the children’s martial arts and self-defence classes at Lion of Judah Martial Arts.